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Contact Us


Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Inc.

62 White Cross Road


Phone: 02 4754 4050

Email: admin@winmaleeneighbourhoodcentre.com.au

Opening hours:

Monday to Thursday

8:30am – 4:00pm


8:30am – 1:30pm

Online Enquiry

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Welcome to Winmalee

Neighbourhood Centre

Our aim is to create a more vibrant, sustainable, resilient and self-reliant community.

Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre (WNC) is on Aboriginal land and acknowledges the Traditional Owners of that land, the Darug and Gundungurra peoples.

HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday-Thursday 8.30am-4pm

WNC is a not for profit Incorporated Association providing a wide range of programs that are responsive to the changing needs of the community, which includes Young People, Children and their families and those experiencing disadvantage. These programs range from recreational and educational, group activities to support groups, advocacy and practical support.

Our aim is, through the provision of quality services, to create a more vibrant, sustainable, resilient and self-reliant community. We believe that every person has the right to expect equal access to programs, services and compassionate support.

WNC is also providing fire recovery assistance along with existing programs

The Centre is owned by Blue Mountains City Council and we thank them for providing the space where we support the community.

About Us
Community Assistance
Courses/ Activities

Urgent Assistance

If you require urgent assistance please consider the following options:

  • Emergencies: call 000
  • Domestic violence: call the DV Hotline on 1800 656 463
  • Life crisis support: call Lifeline on 131 114 or for ATSI call: 13YARN on 139 276
  • Sexual assault and domestic and family violence: call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732
  • Mental health: call the Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511
  • Kids Helpline(External link)- A telephone counselling support line for children and young people ages 5 to 25 and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  1800 551 800.
  • Emergency Relief-https://serviceproviders.dss.gov.au/  to find your nearest emergency relief outlet

Emergency Relief/Crisis Support - 
Flood and Bushfire Assistance


When visiting the Centre we request everyone wear a mask. You will be assisted at the front door if you need food, vouchers, referral etc. We thank the community for adhering to the guidelines, it provides safety to staff which allows us to remain open.

Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre’s Support with Dignity Program has been provided additional funding from the Federal Government for bush fire affected areas and is part of the Government’s $2 billion National Bush fire Recovery Fund.

The Centre currently provides crisis support in the bush fire affected areas however this now allows a pool of dedicated funding to go directly to those in the Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and Lithgow LGA's.

The centre is working with local councils, community services, our outreach partners and Step by Step to ensure our services are available wherever you are located to receive this much needed assistance. Our experience in disaster recovery and crisis support acknowledges that a range of assistance measures are required to support people affected by bush fires. These are aimed at providing support recovery with the provision of food packs, food vouchers, clothing, fuel vouchers and support to pay bills, including utility.

A range of relief and recovery assistance is available and each individual’s need/s will be taken into account. Although at this current time we have had to alter how we deliver our crisis support we still provide a non-judgemental, and confidential service that maintains the dignity of the individuals we assist.

To find out how we can assist you please phone: (02) 4754 4050

Extra Support

Our crisis support programs have increased to help people who have been affected by the COVID-19 virus. The centre remains open to ensure access to our financial support is available. We can help families and individuals during these difficult times which can take the financial pressure off while getting back on your feet.

A number of people who have accessed our support have told us that ‘they don’t like asking for help as they feel embarrassed’. We encourage everyone who requires ‘a hand up’ to contact us as we are here to help through face to face immediate crisis support or phone. We provide a non-judgemental, and confidential service that maintains the dignity of all the individuals we assist.

The centre is open Monday to Thursday 8.30 am - 4 pm and all staff are here to assist in whatever capacity they can. Phone 47544050 during work hours or leave a message and we will get back to you.

How we can help:

  • Fresh Food Program-available 4 days per week-no cost –call in and we will pack a bag for you of fresh items of your choice:
  • Food vouchers-available to be spent at Coles, 
  • Utility assistance-water, electricity, gas:
  • Food boxes-staff pre-pack food boxes available for pick up:
  • Thursday Community Food Cupboard-clients can purchase pantry, frozen or meat products which is heavily subsidised i.e. 10 items for $10 or 15 for $15. Items included are meat, toothpaste, shampoo, cleaning products etc.:
  • Work Development Orders-providing an alternative for vulnerable people of all ages to have the opportunity to ‘pay’ off their fines through community hours, referral to other services i.e. drug and alcohol, mental health etc.
  • No Interest Loans-rego, Greenslips, car repairs, laptops, white goods, vet, specialist appointments etc.:
  • Fuel vouchers:
  • Phone counselling:
  • Budgeting consultant:
  • Home delivery for those who are house bound: and other identified assistance.



Winmalee Community Food Cupboard

The food program provides subsidized food items and has had a major impact on the community as it is allowing food items that are many times out of reach for people to be accessible. 

Every Thursday, the Centre opens its Food Cupboard from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. This allows those on low incomes to access the subsidised food. Each person who joins this project will be able to purchase ten items for $10, or fifteen items for $15. This will provide real value for money, and the cost incurred is for the transportation of food products. Items will change on a weekly basis, and at present, members can access the program on a fortnightly basis. Click HERE to download a pantry list. 

Eligibility is for those on Centrelink however if you find yourself in need please come and speak with our manager.

Nutritious Food Program

Free nutritious fruit/vegetables/bread and treats are available 4 days per week with support of SecondBite.

If you would like to support this project, please contact the Centre Manager, as we are always seeking ways to support and increase the well-being of the community.



Nourish Your Neighbour

This project has come about due to the increase in the need for food. Many community people ask how they can help the centre and this was an ideal way that allows people to contribute, big or small donations, which are gratefully received. At present we are experiencing a huge growth of families in need, if you can support the Centre with food donations it would be gratefully accepted.

Fusion Blue Mountains

Fusion Blue Mountains supports the Centre's food programs, and they hold some fantastic youth focused activities. They are a not-for-profit youth and community organisation which has a deep and ongoing commitment to developing resilience in individuals, families and community through local needs based initiatives. With COVID-19 activities are currently on hold.


Winmalee Fresh Food Program - 
Increasing Nutrition and Strengthening Community

With the support of SecondBite the Centre has fresh nutritious food and bread available 4 days per week. If you are on a Centrelink benefit and require food this can be accessed FREE.

This program began in 2013 and is providing food to those most vulnerable in the community. We provide this service to numerous agencies in the Blue Mountains along with the Hawkesbury. We deliver weekly to   Pinaroo OOSH along with Thrive Family Services, Nanna's Touch.

In the past 12 months the Centre collect 143 tonne of food that would otherwise go to landfill, sorted and distributed the food. This food is increasing the health of the community and ensuring quality food is not going to waste. This is a massive effort from a very small team of workers and volunteers. Unfortunately it is an unfunded project and to continue this much needed service we are keen to connect with sponsors and food donors. More services are contacting the Centre to enquire if they could access the food, regrettably  we do not have the funds to increase our reach.


Thank You to the Following People/Services

Dept. Communities and Justice

Blue Mountains City Council

The Rotary Club Springwood

Springwood Uniting Church

LaMontagna Cafe Winmalee

Lower Mountains Rotary

Springwood Baptist Church

Strong Nation Mountains Church


Knit4Charities/Bev Milner

Mountain Autos & Tyres

Springwood Sports Club


Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre has DGR status and all donations are tax deductible. Your donations will assist with the fire recovery and support the community as they rebuild their lives.