Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Inc.
62 White Cross Road
Phone: 02 4754 4050
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday
8:30am – 4:00pm
8:30am – 1:30pm
Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre is on Aboriginal land and acknowledges the Traditional Owners of that land, the Darug and Gundungurra peoples.
Please Donate
Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre does not receive large funds and rely on donation to enable the vital work we do. We have a small group of staff who are part time but manage to do wonderful work with families who are facing tough times. We welcome unconditional donations to the Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Inc. to assist our work in the ongoing provision of community services to the people of the Blue Mountains and our emergency relief programs to Penrith, Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Lithgow & Central West.
You can make tax deductible donations (over $2) to the Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre in two key ways:
Individual Donations
1. To pay by cheque:
Send in a cheque or money order made payable to Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre, 62 White Cross Road Winmalee NSW 2777 – put a note with your address if you would like us to send you a receipt.
2. To pay by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT):
BSB: 062-601
Account No: 2800 0895
Account Name: Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Inc.
Reference: Donation
'Friends and Neighbours' Financial Support Program
If you are an individual or a local business, or a national business with an interest in our work, you might be interested in our ‘Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Supporters’ financial support program, where you make a financial commitment each year for five years.
The donation levels for this program are:
Corporate Supporters – Level 1 $8,000 per annum for 5 years
Corporate Supporters – Level 2 $3000 per annum for 5 years
Neighbour – Level 1 $100-$500 per annum
Neighbour – Level 2 Up to $300 per annum
Donated Items for Our Community Shop
A big thank you to the community who have supported our venture. We purchase items for the shop but we also receive donations and this has allowed us to meet the ever growing need of families who require a hand up financially.
We want to thank ISPT Group for providing the space as it is proving a much needed shop for those on tight budgets. The Centre continually explores ways to remain sustainable, ensuring the most vulnerable in our communities get the support they require.
COVID impacted the shops opening-lockdown commenced 1 month after the launch. Once we were able to resume many people were struggling after losing employment. Just when we started to gain traction lockdowns in 2021 commenced so like many small businesses we were closed for a period of time once again.
The shop is our way to make funds for our programs-no money goes to paying any staff at the centre, it is dedicated to community needed activities.
Food Donations for Our Christmas Appeal
We are experiencing a large increase in community needing support. Our food appeal is ongoing and we gratefully accept food donations that provide a food for families/individuals. If you can donate to our food appeal we desperately require the following items:
Food Items Desperately Required
We gratefully accept food donations, however we are more in need than ever. We rely on the generosity of community members and businesses and are now finding we are receiving less food donations. It is heart breaking to tell people that we have run out of every day staples i.e. toilet paper, shampoo, sugar, pasta sauce, laundry powder, long life milk and many more items.
There has been a 85% jump in communities requiring support and this is from the continual cost of living rising, COVID impact and the disasters of bushfires and floods. The Hawkesbury floods have seen people impacted again within a 12 month period. Their homes are once again under water and many will not be able to return to their homes for many months.
Being a centre that has worked in disaster recovery many times we know that a lack in immediate ER to disaster affected communities can increase poverty and can result in long-term poverty. If you can help us support these people please contact the Centre.