Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Inc.
62 White Cross Road
Phone: 02 4754 4050
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday
8:30am – 4:00pm
8:30am – 1:30pm
Osteoporosis is a disease that takes years to develop without any warning symptoms.
It is characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue, which can lead to increased risk of fracture. Nutrition and exercise can play a significant role in keeping bones healthy. Because osteoporosis can have multiple causes, it’s important to be aware of all the factors that contribute to strong, healthy bones, and control those that you can.
Bone mineral is gradually lost, making the bones weaker and more prone to fracturing or breaking. These fractures usually happen in the hip, spine, wrist or shoulder, and they are called fragility fractures to indicate that the bone has broken because it has become more fragile.
Because the first warning sign of osteoporosis is frequently a fracture, it is often called “the silent thief” as it literally steals bone mass without giving any indication of doing so whatsoever, until a fracture occurs.
Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre in collaboration with Health Promotion Service for Older People will be holding a one-hour free health information session on healthy bones and osteoporosis Ring 4754 4050 to book
Did you know stroke is a leading cause of disability in Australia? A stroke is when blood can’t get to all parts of your brain. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients for your brain cells. If blood can’t get through, your brain can be injured. Your arteries can get blocked, which is called an ischaemic stroke. Or your arteries can break, which is called a haemorrhagic stroke.
Early treatment for stroke is critical – the longer a stroke remains untreated, the greater the chance that stressed brain cells will die, leaving behind permanent stroke-related brain damage. Men are at greater risk of stroke and as we get older our risk increases.
In saying that, stroke is preventable for many. Some of the causes within our control include high blood pressure, being overweight, smoking, high cholesterol, a high intake of alcohol and diabetes.
Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre will be holding a Stroke Safe workshop in collaboration with Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association.
62 White Cross Road Winmalee. This is a free information session.
Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre is a Community Connector Point. Community Connector Points have someone who can support you to access the MyHealthConnector directory and provide support and information around social connection in your local area or other LGA's.
We can help you to see what may suit you and give you information about local services like classes, social or support groups, volunteer programs and transport options to get there. There is no charge for this service.
In 2023 we were fortunate to have Nova Ritchie (Age Care Advocate) come and present a workshop on Seniors Rights. The Seniors Rights Service provides information and support to people using or seeking to access in-home and residential aged care services. Our aged care advocates are located across NSW to provide support for recipients of all Commonwealth funded aged care services.
Our team of specialist financial advocates help older people with increasingly complex aged care financing arrangements.
They can help with the assessment process for residential aged care and how providers work out income and assets and offer information and support on a range of different issues around government funded aged care, including:
If an older person decides to switch home care providers, advocates can help them get value for money by helping them understand how aged care fees are calculated.
NACAP provides free and confidential advocacy support to older people, their family and carers. It also helps aged care service providers to understand their responsibilities and the aged care rights of the people they care for.
NACAP services are important for older people who:
NACAP advocates can speak on their behalf and help them to make informed decisions.
There are four key steps to accessing Australian Government-funded aged care services. If you require assistance in applying the Centre can help. You can see what services are available to help you stay in your own home, or what to expect in an aged care home.
If you’ve had a look at what services might be available and you want to know if you are eligible, applying on-line will let you know. Ring the Centre or pop in.
Seniors Workshops:
Workshops for seniors:
These workshops will be running again this year due to their popularity. Working with Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association we are able to bring these workshops to the Centre.