Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Inc.
62 White Cross Road
Phone: 02 4754 4050
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday
8:30am – 4:00pm
8:30am – 1:30pm
The Centre has a long history with disaster recovery and works towards supporting disaster affected communities through activities that they identify. We also provide financial/practical assistance. Disaster we have been involved in:
Programs that we have initiated over the years have assisted in rebuilding connections and resilience. These include:
Along with these projects we have auspiced over 15 community grants where community members have applied for a grant and need an incorporated association, (Indigenous Cool Burning, Meeting By the River etc).
A handbook with an NRMA grant Emergency Readiness-Experiences of Pre-Schools During the 2013 Winmalee/Yellow Rock Bushfire. This booklet retold the experiences of Rainbow, Lizzards, and Winmalee Preschools along with Family Day Care, Bunya Child Care, Red Cross, RFS, and Ben Curran.
The NSW government-Education Planning, Management, Response and Recovery contains resources and templates designed and intended for early childhood education and care (ECEC) services, such as long day cares, family day cares, preschools, outside school hours care (OSHC) and occasional care. For primary or high school, please refer to the Emergency Management page for schools.
Flood Information and Recovery Support Hub will continue to be available, each Wednesday for the next month on the following days:
Wednesday - 8 May and 15 May
Where: Wilberforce School of Arts Hall – 531 Wilberforce Road, Wilberforce
When: 10 am – 2 pm
Services available:
· Service NSW
· Service NSW Business concierge
· NSW Reconstruction Authority – Disaster Relief Team
· Local Land Services
· Multicultural NSW (face to face translating for Cantonese and Mandarin)
· Rural Financial Counsellor
· Red Cross
· Salvation Army
· Anglicare
· Peppercorn Recovery Services & Peppercorn Mental Health Support
· Western Sydney Community Legal Centre/Legal Aid
· Disaster Recovery Clinicians for mental health support and referral
· Hawkesbury Nepean Valley Disaster Adaption Plan team
Come in a see the team, have a cuppa, and have your questions answered.
Waste Management for Residential Properties Impacted by the Floods
The Hawkesbury Waste Management Facility will be accepting flood waste for FREE commencing Saturday 13 April, from residential properties impacted by the floods. We kindly ask residents attending the Waste Management Facility to show PATIENCE, KINDNESS, and RESPECT to our onsite staff. For everyone's safety, traffic control will be in place over the weekend.
Remember, flood waste should not contain prohibited items such as, soil, fibro, or asbestos. Loads will be checked at the weighbridge as per normal. Loads containing asbestos or any other prohibited waste will be rejected. These cannot be accepted even if it is flood waste. If you need additional clean-up assistance, please visit the Recovery Centre and register with Service NSW for assistance. The Recovery Centre is open, Saturday 13 April 10am to 4pm at Windsor Function Centre.
Note: Charges apply for other waste that is not flood waste and for residential properties that are not flood affected.
📍 The Waste Facility is open to Hawkesbury LGA residents from 8am to 4pm, 7 days a week (excluding Public Holidays).
Don't forget to bring proof of address such as a Driver's License or Rates Notice. ℹ️ Recovery Centre is open, Monday 15 April - Friday 19 April 10am to 4pm at Windsor Function Centre.
Grab & Go Bag
If you haven't received a Grab & Go Bag and would like to access one, please visit either:
Or from one of the weekly Community Hubs between 9:30am and 1pm at:
Each Bag contains a handy fact sheet and waterproof document wallet. Click on the images below to view both sides of the fact sheet and wallet and to download.
Disaster and Emergency
Call Triple Zero (000) immediately in life threatening situations
Translating and Interpreter Services call 13 14 50
For Mental Health Support 24/7 you can call: Lifeline on 13 11 14, Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636 or the NSW Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511.
If you live in the Hawkesbury or near bushland, a river, creek or on a floodplain, sooner or later you may be impacted by a natural disaster. This page has numerous resources to help you understand your risk and to assist you in beginning to prepare for disasters that may impact your community.